Bringing Earth Observations into Science Classrooms

Landsat outreach team member Mike Taylor supported the NASA booth at the National Science Teacher’s Association annual meeting in Denver on March 20-23, 2024. Taylor engaged with science teachers sharing outreach products such as the Adventure of Echo the Bat, NASA’s Tour of the Electromagnetic Spectrum, and Landsat Benefits to Society books to help bring the science of Earth observations into their classrooms.  

Mike Taylor talks with science teachers about Landsat and sharing outreach materials.
Mike Taylor talks with science teachers about Landsat and sharing outreach materials.
Hyperwall talk about the various STELLA instruments and how they can be used in science classrooms to demonstrate Earth observation data.

To introduce remote sensing concepts, Taylor presented the DIY spectrometer called STELLA on the Hyperwall. This instrument measures regions of the electromagnetic spectrum similar to bands on the Landsat satellites and offers an educational tool to show how satellite data can help with a variety of applications such as assessing healthy vegetation. 

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