Year: 2015

News Archive

The View from Over 2,000,000 Feet

The NASA Landsat 7 Project Scientist, Darrel Williams, was recently featured in the AgScience magazine of his alma mater. In an article titled “Oh! The Places We Go” reporter Maureen Harmon spoke to Penn State Ag Sciences graduates about the different directions of their careers.

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Growing crop circles; Garden City, Kansas, 1972-2011. Landsat imagery over time can be used to help monitor groundwater usage from the Ogalalla Aquifer. Image credit: USGS

Landsat Seen as Stunning Return on Public Investment

Orbiting Earth more than 400 miles away in space, far from human view; recording repeated images of land around the globe for more than 42 years; offering customers petabytes of historical and current data for free, the Landsat program of Earth observing satellites could be seen as the personification of the most single-minded office worker — tirelessly systematic, yes, but after so many years, perhaps less than dramatic.

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