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Landsat 9 Preliminary Design Review Successfully Completed

Landsat 9 Preliminary Design Review Successfully Completed

The Landsat 9 satellite mission team completed a successful Mission Preliminary Design Review (PDR) last week. During the review, the mission team demonstrated to an independent Standing Review Board that all design plans for the Landsat 9 mission are both sound and well integrated.
The PDR is the last milestone before the major Key Decision Point C, scheduled for December 2017, after which the mission officially enters its implementation phase.
Last week’s PDR was characterized as “extremely successful.” The team earned high praise from the Standing Review Board for its organization and design comprehensiveness.
The Landsat 9 team’s decisive success on the PDR is an important step toward realizing the challenging target launch date of December 2020.
Del Jenstrom, the NASA Landsat 9 Project Manger, remarked that the highly successful PDR “speaks to the incredible work that the Landsat 9 team continues to do.”
The review took place from September 12-15 at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

A timeline of Landsat 9 mission development and lifecycle.
The Landsat 9 Mission Preliminary Design Review is the last milestone before the major Key Decision Point C (scheduled for Dec. 2017) which marks the mission’s shift into its implementation phase, as seen on this Landsat 9 mission development and lifecycle timeline. (For any rocket buffs out there, the Saturn V launch vehicle on this graphic serves only as a generic rocket stand-in. The launch vehicle for Landsat 9 is TBD, but it will *not* be a Saturn V.)

Further information:
+ NASA Landsat 9 Mission Webpages
+ USGS Landsat 9 Mission Webpages

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