
News Archives

Best of "Earth As Art"

The Top 5 images from the USGS “Earth As Art” collection. thumbnail:

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From The Archives

A look back at the early years of Landsat. thumbnail:

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Dead Sea Salt Farming

View changes in the Dead Sea over 40 years as salt farms multiply. thumbnail: Sea 3-panel_gal.png

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Landsat 40th Live Shot

LDCM Project Scientist Jim Irons is interviewed on live TV. thumbnail:

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LDCM Orbit Swaths

LDCM orbits 13 times each day, and covers the whole Earth in 16 days. thumbnail:

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News Archives

Mapping Water Use from Space

[Source: Library of Congress] Dr. Martha Anderson, research scientist, USDA, talks about using images from the Landsat satellite program to monitor water use and drought on U.S. farms with pinpoint

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LDCM in Environmental Testing

• The Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) is currently undergoing Environmental Testing. For the next two weeks, the LDCM observatory will be in ElectroMagnetic Interference /ElectroMagnetic Compatibility testing. EMI/EMC testing

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News Archives

Mapping Water Use from Space

[Source: Library of Congress] Dr. Martha Anderson, research scientist, USDA, talks about using images from the Landsat satellite program to monitor water use and drought on U.S. farms with pinpoint

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LDCM in Environmental Testing

• The Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) is currently undergoing Environmental Testing. For the next two weeks, the LDCM observatory will be in ElectroMagnetic Interference /ElectroMagnetic Compatibility testing. EMI/EMC testing

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