Make a Landsat GIF

Atchafalaya Bay gif

In this activity we will make an animated GIF from a Landsat time series using LandTrendr.

Step 1. Go to Earth Engine Apps

Earth Engine





Step 2. Set the range of years and dates to animate over


Earth Engine App dates





Step 3. Select an RGB/band display combination


EE App band combo






Step 4. Set the desired animation frame rate

Step 5. Click 5 points to close a rectangle (go slow)

(may take a minute or two)

Earth Engine crop






Step 6. Once rendered right click on the animation and and “save image as..” to download


Optional annotations:


Step 7. Record the width and centroid information


Step 8. Go to Snazzy EE-TS-GIF


Step 9. Follow the instructions to input the centroid, lat, long and upload the gif


Other tutorials for making animated GIFs with Landsat time series data:
Justin Braaten’s Snazzy-EE-TS-GIF tutorial on GitHub
Qiusheng Wu’s “Creating Landsat timelapse animations with animated text using Earth Engine” on Medium


Read More about LandTrendr:

OSU eMapR Lab

Sensing Forest Disturbance: Landsat Sees Insect Outbreaks From Space

Big Data Helps Scientists Dig Deeper


Want to share your creation with the world? Use the hashtags #Landsat and #EarthDayatHome on Twitter and post your completed Landsat GIF. Accompany your tweet with you favorite thing about our home planet!