Landsat Next


Landsat Next will collect 26 spectral bands. Each Landsat Next Instrument Suite (LandIS) will acquire refined versions of the 11 Landsat “heritage” bands. It will introduce five bands with similar spatial and spectral characteristics as Sentinel-2 data to support data synergy. An additional 10 bands will support data user needs and emerging applications.

Landsat Next will also collect all spectral bands at improved spatial resolutions, with ground sample distances (GSD) of 10 to 20 meters for VSWIR (visible to shortwave infrared) bands and 60 meters for atmospheric VSWIR and TIR (thermal infrared) bands.

Band NameGround Sample Distance (m)Center wavelength (nm)Band width (nm)Rationale
1Violet6041220Improved aerosol retrieval; CDOM from inland/coastal water
2Coastal/Aerosol2044320Landsat heritage
3Blue1049065Landsat heritage
4Green1056035Landsat heritage
5Yellow2060030Leaf chlorosis, vegetation stress and mapping
6Orange2062020Phycocyanin detection for Harmful Algal Blooms
7Red 12065020Phycocyanin, chlorophyll
8Red 21066530Landsat heritage
9Red Edge 12070515LAI, Chlorophyll, plant stress (Sentinel-2)
10Red Edge 22074015LAI, Chlorophyll, plant stress (Sentinel-2)
11NIR Broad1084211510m NDVI (Sentinel-2)
12NIR 12086520~Landsat heritage/continuity (note: Sentinel-2 narrower than Landsat 8 and 9)
13Water vapor6094520Improved atmospheric correction for Land Surface Temperature, Surface Reflectance (Sentinel-2)
14Liquid Water2098520Liquid water, water surface state
15Snow/Ice 120103520Snow grain size for water resources
16Snow/Ice 220109020Ice absorption, snow grain size
17Cirrus60137530Landsat heritage
18SWIR 110161090Landsat heritage
19SWIR 2a20203825Subdivided for cellulose/crop residue measurement (~Landsat heritage)
20SWIR 2b20210840Subdivided for cellulose/crop residue measurement (~Landsat heritage)
21SWIR 2c20221140Subdivided for cellulose/crop residue measurement (~Landsat heritage)
22TIR 1608300250Mineral and surface composition mapping (ASTER)
23TIR 2608600350Emissivity separation, volcanos (SO2) (MODIS/ASTER)
24TIR 3609100350Mineral and surface composition mapping (ASTER)
25TIR 46011300550Surface temperature (Landsat heritage), carbonates
26TIR 56012000550Surface temperature, snow grain size (Landsat heritage)
Band NameGround Sample Distance (m)Center wavelength (nm)Band width (nm)Rationale
1Violet6041220Improved aerosol retrieval; CDOM from inland/coastal water
2Coastal/Aerosol2044320Landsat heritage
3Blue1049065Landsat heritage
4Green1056035Landsat heritage
5Yellow2060030Leaf chlorosis, vegetation stress and mapping
6Orange2062020Phycocyanin detection for Harmful Algal Blooms
7Red 12065020Phycocyanin, chlorophyll
8Red 21066530Landsat heritage
9Red Edge 12070515LAI, Chlorophyll, plant stress (Sentinel-2)
10Red Edge 22074015LAI, Chlorophyll, plant stress (Sentinel-2)
11NIR Broad1084211510m NDVI (Sentinel-2)
12NIR 12086520~Landsat heritage/continuity (note: Sentinel-2 narrower than Landsat 8 and 9)
13Water vapor6094520Improved atmospheric correction for Land Surface Temperature, Surface Reflectance (Sentinel-2)
14Liquid Water2098520Liquid water, water surface state
15Snow/Ice 120103520Snow grain size for water resources
16Snow/Ice 220109020Ice absorption, snow grain size
17Cirrus60137530Landsat heritage
18SWIR 110161090Landsat heritage
19SWIR 2a20203825Subdivided for cellulose/crop residue measurement (~Landsat heritage)
20SWIR 2b20210840Subdivided for cellulose/crop residue measurement (~Landsat heritage)
21SWIR 2c20221140Subdivided for cellulose/crop residue measurement (~Landsat heritage)
22TIR 1608300250Mineral and surface composition mapping (ASTER)
23TIR 2608600350Emissivity separation, volcanos (SO2) (MODIS/ASTER)
24TIR 3609100350Mineral and surface composition mapping (ASTER)
25TIR 46011300550Surface temperature (Landsat heritage), carbonates
26TIR 56012000550Surface temperature, snow grain size (Landsat heritage)