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Australia Signs Historic Partnership Deal for Satellite Access

Australia Signs Historic Partnership Deal for Satellite Access

Source: Elyse Gatt, Australian Ministry of Resources and Energy
Australia will become an international collaborator on a new United States of America satellite mission, under an agreement signed today with the United States Geological Survey. The Minister for Resources and Energy, Martin Ferguson AM MP, welcomed the news that Geoscience Australia has signed a Memorandum of Understanding making Australia a partner in the operation of a new United States of America satellite, named Landsat 8.
Landsat 8, the latest in the series of Landsat satellites (and called the Landsat Data Continuity Mission until launch), is expected to launch in February 2013. It will continue almost forty years of operation of the Landsat series of land observing satellites, part of the Landsat Program, which is the longest continuous record of the Earth’s surface as seen from space.
“This agreement is vital to ensuring the nation’s future satellite imagery requirements are met, and confirms Australia’s commitment to working with the United States to deliver civilian uses of space,” Minister Ferguson said.
“When launched, the satellite will provide Australia with immediate and direct access to the highest quality satellite data, replacing its current reliance on the ageing Landsat 5 and 7 satellites.”
The Landsat series of satellites are classed as ‘public good’, which means they can simultaneously benefit the community in terms of public safety and policy development, as well as promoting economic growth in a wide variety of industry sectors.
“This collaboration will ensure Australia receives priority of satellite image delivery in times of national need such as assisting in emergency management response to floods, bushfires and cyclones”, Minister Ferguson said.
Geoscience Australia and its predecessor agencies have been supplying Australia with Landsat data since 1979. This long—and now extended—life of the Landsat series makes it possible for Geoscience Australia to provide consistent high quality time series information over Australia and surrounding regions.
The information will be used to demonstrate changes such as urban growth, and can be used to map land cover change, forest degradation, changes to water resources and other vital environmental observations spanning decades in many instances.
To further promote the widespread use of data from the new Landsat mission, Geoscience Australia intends to make the images available over the Internet for free download under Creative Commons open content licence.

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