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Dakota Midday Learns about Landsat

Dakota Midday Learns about Landsat

Earth data On the last day of the Science Team Meeting, NASA and USGS Landsat Project Scientists Jeff Masek and Tom Loveland along with Science Team leader Curtis Woodcock talked live with South Dakota Public Radio’s Dakota Midday about the Landsat program from the USGS EROS Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
They discussed their work using Landsat as a tool to characterize the landscape, monitor environmental change, assess the impact of land use changes on terrestrial carbon dynamics, and to map changes to the land in temperate environments. They also discussed the rich Landsat archive, its free data, and what’s next for Landsat.
For further information:
MP3 of Dakota Midday interview (24.5 Mb)
+ Dakota Midday interview on SDPR site [external link]

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