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First Landsat Science Team Meeting Held

First Landsat Science Team Meeting Held

Dec. 13, 2012 • The reconstituted Landsat Science Team, comprised of 21 Principal Investigators from academia, federal government agencies, and international institutions, convened its first meeting December 12–13 at the Department of Interior building in Washington, DC. Much of the meeting was spent introducing the research interests of each investigator and providing updates on the status of the Landsat data archive, Landsat 5 and Landsat 7, and the LDCM. The Team selected Curtis Woodcock of Boston University as the Team Leader, a role Curtis held for the past five years for the previous Team. David Roy of South Dakota State University was selected as Deputy Leader. The Team will serve for five years before a recompete is held for Team members.
Summary courtesy of Jim Irons.

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