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Free Landsat 7 Data Available from USGS

Free Landsat 7 Data Available from USGS

tornado scar
Landsat 7 image of a tornado scar left after a twister touched down in Wisconsin. This June 15, 2007 L7 image was downloaded for free.
Starting on June 4, 2007, the USGS is offering free orthorectified SLC-off Landsat 7 data of the United States as part of a pilot for the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) data policy. Each new U.S. Landsat 7 acquisition will become part of this free archive. Plans also call for Landsat 7 data collected as early as June 2003 to eventually be processed and added to this archive.
The free data are available via download. To see what is available visit the USGS Global Visualization Viewer. Select “Landsat Science” and “SLC-off Std L1T,” then click the “View Images” button.

Further information:
+ visit the USGS Global Visualization Viewer 
USGS pilot project makes high-quality Landsat data available for download

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