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Landsat at 2009 AGU Fall Meeting

Landsat at 2009 AGU Fall Meeting

At the annual fall AGU meeting in San Francisco, CA, Landsat was featured in 20 different scientific talks and posters featuring topics as diverse as the carbon cycle, glaciers, phenology, and hydrology.

Among those papers, were a number first-authored by Landsat project members: Rachel Headley, USGS (Enabling New Research with Free Landsat Data), Sam Goward, UMD (Conterminous U.S. Forest Disturbance Dynamics Evaluated from Landsat Time Series Stacks); Jim Irons, NASA (Future Landsat Thermal Data for Energy Balance Modeling and Water Resource Management); Eileen Helmer, Landsat Science Team (Biomass Accumulation Rates of Amazonian Secondary Forest and Biomass of Old-Growth Forests from Landsat Time Series and GLAS); and Rama Nemani, Landsat Science Team (Mapping Vegetation Leaf Area Index Globally at 30m Using Landsat/Global Land Survey Data). As well as three presentations by NASA Landsat Education and Public Outreach staff: Jeannie Allen (Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training (iGETT) for Workforce Development); Anita Davis (Climate Change Education in Protected Areas: Highlights from the Earth to Sky NASA-NPS-USFWS Partnership); and Laura Rocchio (Applying Historic Science Communication Lessons to Today’s Global Change Issues).
See list of Landsat-related presentations

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