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Landsat at COP-18

Landsat at COP-18

NASA hyperwall shows Landsat
The Project Manager of COP-18 speaks with Isabel Gates, Conference Coordinator of the U.S. Center, about NASA’s powerful Hyperwall data visualizations video panel wall at the U.S. Center in Doha, Qatar, November 29, 2012. Credit: U.S. State Department

Nov. 29, 2012 • The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is holding its annual Conferences of the Parties (COP) meeting from Nov. 26 through Dec. 7 in Doha, Qatar. The 195 parties of the UNFCCC meet annually to assess progress in addressing climate change. This year at COP-18, NASA will be presenting Landsat hyperwall presentations each weekday of the conference at theU.S. Center. Dr. Joel McCorkel, a recently selected member of the Landsat Science Team, will give the Landsat presentations the first week. Presentations titled “Landsat: 40 Years of Watching the Earth’s Surface Change” will be shown each day focusing successively on water, forests, food, urban growth, and glaciers & ice. NASA’s Dr. Jack Kaye is scheduled to discuss Landsat at the U.S. Center Friday, Dec. 7 at 11:00 a.m.
Further Information:
COP-18 – Doha 2012
U.S. Center Hyperwall Schedule
NASA’s Science Visualization Studio Landsat videos 
YouTube playlist of Landsat videos
NASA’s Dr. Habib Presents 40 Years of Landsat Programs 

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