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Landsat Science Team Happenings

Landsat Science Team Happenings

current LST in sepia

Winter Landsat Science Team Meeting Held

The winter Landsat Science Team meeting was held earlier this month at Boston University from Jan. 10–12, 2017. As reported by BU:
The meeting was hosted by Professors Woodcock, Friedl, and Olofsson and focused on many issues related to the Landsat Program, including:
+ Identifying priorities for future Landsat measurements and technologies
+ Reviewing status of Landsat 9 development
+ Reviewing plans and status of USGS Landsat product initiatives – collections and analysis-ready data

A full meeting report, including presentations will be made available on the USGS Landsat website.

2016 Summer Science Team Meeting Summary

NASA’s The Earth Observer published a summary of the 2016 summer Science Team meeting. The authors recapped:
The 2016 summer LST meeting focused on identifying a number of important priorities to improve several aspects of the Landsat program. LST members offered guidance and recommendations on developing new Landsat products, enhanced synergy with Sentinel-2, and improving the MSS data record. The wide range of science and applications talks given by the LST members highlighted the increased capacity and ambition that may be brought to analyses based upon free and open data, available in an analysis-ready form. The firm cross-governmental support of the Landsat program has empowered the science community while also engendering agency support through an expectation of future access to an uninterrupted and high-quality Earth-observation data stream. The repeated highlighting of the importance of continuity of Landsat measures came from all user communities present or represented at the meeting. With reference to continuity, following initial context setting, team discussions led to identifying key steps toward informing what will become Landsat 10. The discussions regarding Landsat 10 identified a need to determine opportunities to take advantage of new technologies, clearly stressing the importance of measurement continuity across sensors across the Landsat program.
Further Details:
+ Schroeder_2016_The-Earth-Observer_28-LST-summer-meet-Brookings-2 [pdf]
+ Summer 2016 LST presentations via USGS

Current Landsat Science Team Term Ends October 2017

The Landsat Science Team’s five year term will come to a close in October 2017. The USGS is expected to announce a call for proposals for the next Science Team in late Feb./early March on their website.

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