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Landsat Science Team Meeting Held

Landsat Science Team Meeting Held

The forth LDCM-era (USGS-funded) Landsat Science Team meeting was held July 15–17 at USGS headquarters in Reston, VA. The meeting included status updates on Landsat 5 and 7, new LDCM status development reports, and discussions about a future Landsat mission—Landsat 9.
Day 1 consisted of status updates on Landsat 5 & 7 health, on the Global Land Survey (GLS) 2005 development, and various key sub-elements of LDCM development. Representatives from Ball were in attendance and provided a detailed discussion of instrument development and expected performance that was very well received, as were all aspects of the LDCM development.
Day 2 consisted of a series of presentations by all Science Team members that included some impressive developments and/or results. In particular, the Team¹s access to nearly boundless free “stacks” of data, which will be the case for the entire user community starting next January, is yielding some really exciting new work and results.
Day 3 consisted of a briefing/discussion of the Landsat 9 planning that the USGS Land Remote Sensing group has been doing, as well as some discussion of how to derive end of mission decisions for Landsat 5 and/or Landsat 7.
+ details available from USGS
Meeting Summary (PDF from The Earth Observer)
Landsat Science Team Meeting summary courtesy of Darrel Williams

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