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Landsat Science Team Meeting to be Held in Sioux Falls, SD

Landsat Science Team Meeting to be Held in Sioux Falls, SD

A Science Team meeting will be held August 16–18 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. This will be the final meeting for the current Team, this being the end of their five year agreements. The USGS plans to solicit proposals in order to competitively reconstitute the Team. The June 2011 solicitation release has been delayed, but is expected to be released any day.
This Science Team meeting will focus mainly on the Science Team’s final research presentations as well as mission updates. A full description on the meeting is available on the USGS Landsat Mission website.


Wednesday, August 17

10:00 Bob Bindschadler (NASA GSFC, Emeritus)
Keeping a sharp lookout: Landsat monitoring of Earth’s Ice
10:30 John Schott (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Land-Water Sat; New Opportunity
11:00 Prasad Thenkabail (USGS)
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation: Knowledge gain and Knowledge gap based on last 40 years of research
11:30 Dennis Helder (South Dakota State University)
Landsat Calibration: Interpolation, Extrapolation, and Reflection
1:00 Eric Vermote (University of Maryland)
A Surface Reflectance product for Landsat/LDCM: summary of activities, future work and implications for similar class sensors, e.g Sentinel 2
1:30 David Roy (South Dakota State University)
Web Enabled Landsat Data (WELD): Project status and some lessons learned from bulk Landsat science data processing
2:00 Feng Gao (USDA ARS)
Developing Consistent Time Series Landsat Data Products
2:30 Sam Goward (University of Maryland)
Western US Daily Cloud Statistics from MODIS
3:30 Lazaros Oraiopoulos (NASA GSFC)
An overview of cloud masking and other research for Landsat and LDCM
4:00 Jennifer Dungan (NASA Ames)
Developing biophysical products for Landsat

Thursday, August 18

8:30 Martha Anderson (USDA ARS)
Daily ET at Landsat Scales Using Multi-Sensor Data Fusion
9:00 Rick Allen (University of Idaho)
Operational Evapotranspiration from Landsat-based Energy Balance – Evolution, Successes and Future Challenges
9:30 Eileen Helmer (USFS)
Mapping tropical forest habitat with gap-filled Landsat: tree species and associations, foliage height profiles, age, disturbance type, and productivity of forest regrowth
10:30 Jim Vogelmann (USGS)
Monitoring ecological trends using Landsat time series data: Recent results and perspectives
11:00 Randy Wynne (Virginia Tech)
Multitemporal Landsat for applied forest science
11:30 Mike Wulder (Canadian Forest Service)
Large area land cover and dynamics: Landsat opportunities and directions
1:00 Alan Belward (EC Joint Research Centre)
Contributions to the FAO Forest Resource Assessment 2010 remote sensing survey and beyond
1:30 Warren Cohen (USFS)
The US Forest Service Embraces Landsat (2006-present): A Success Story
2:00 Robert Kennedy (Oregon State University)
A sea change on land: New insights into terrestrial processes facilitated by the open Landsat archive
2:30 Curtis Woodcock (Boston University)
Toward Continuous Monitoring of the Land Surface using Landsat
Further Information:
USGS & NASA Select LDCM Science Team

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