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LDCM Launch Party Kit

LDCM Launch Party Kit

Contributor: Tassia Owen, NASA Landsat Education & Public Outreach
Jan. 9, 2013 • Did you know that the longest continuous view of Earth from space comes from the Landsat satellite program? Its 40-year archive offers a priceless record of our changing communities and landscapes. The record continues on February 11, 2013, when NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey are scheduled to launch the eighth Landsat satellite, the Landsat Data Continuity Mission.
We invite you to participate in this exciting and historic milestone in humanity’s work in space. You can join others across the planet in celebration of this much-anticipated event by hosting a launch party! Planning and hosting your own launch party with NASA resources is fun and easy, and it’s a wonderful way to engage your community in your interests and the work you do.
Everything you need to host a great party and join in the launch fun is at your fingertips, at this URL:
You will find activities and decorations to make your party fun for all ages. You’ll be able to watch the launch and associated events live, including talks from NASA and USGS scientists and engineers.
We hope you’ll join us and people around the world to celebrate! Contact us with any questions by using the “Contact Us” link on the launch party website (lower right).

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