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Managing a Fragile Environment in Morocco

Managing a Fragile Environment in Morocco

The fragile semi-arid Souss region of Agadir, Morocco
The fragile semi-arid Souss region of Agadir, Morocco
The Souss region of Agadir, Morocco is a fragile semi-arid area that is important to Morocco’s fruit and vegetable agriculture industry. To better manage this vulnerable region a French-Moroccan collaboration is using a high-speed network for Mediterranean researchers (EUMEDCONNECT3) that allows the fast transfer of large amounts of satellite data, including Landsat imagery. These data are then used to create thematic maps that give regional policy makers the big-picture environmental information needed in order to manage the Agadir territory in a sustainable manner.
For further information:
EUMEDCONNECT3 Agadir Case Study PDF [external link]

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