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STELLA Spring Webinar: April 15, 2024

STELLA Spring Webinar: April 15, 2024

Students using STELLA with the STELLA-Dataviewer to view realtime graphs of spectral data. Photos by Karen Karker

The STELLA team is proud to present the STELLA spring webinar on April 15, 2024 at 1:00pm EST.

The webinar will have a select panel of STELLA users talking about their experiences using STELLA DIY spectrometers. Bianca Cilento, a graduate student at Rochester Institute of Technology, is using STELLA-Q in her studies. Karen Karker from SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry used STELLAs in classroom lessons about the EM spectrum. Peder Nelson is a Sr. Instructor at Oregon State University and Science lead for Land Cover in NASA’s GLOBE Observer and has been using STELLA in conjunction with GLOBE observer.

STELLA Spring 2024 webinar recording

Bianca Cilento
Bianca is a student at RIT, graduating with her M.S. in Environmental Science in May 2024. She is using the STELLA and other devices and software to monitor biodiversity loss in Arctic ecosystems.

Karen Karker
Karen’s educational background is in chemical (BS) and environmental engineering (MS) and has worked in industry and at all levels of education. Currently, she is working at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry as an instructional support specialist focusing on labs that support our coursework. Karen will be talking about their outreach program and how STELLA has helped expand their activities about the geospatial part of their environmental resources engineering program. She’ll talk about a typical student visit and show slides of the activities during one of their outreach programs.
Karen Parker STELLA Spring 2024 webinar recording

Peder Nelson
Peder is Sr. Instructor of Geography and Geospatial Sciences at Oregon State University and the OregonView State Coordinator. He has been out in the field using STELLA almost since its inception with the STELLA-1.0. Peder will discuss the connection of STELLA to the GLOBE Observer land cover app and how the instrument can assist greatly in the interplay between land cover photos and spectral measurements. More on this topic was covered in a July 2023 Trees Around the GLOBE observations webinar.
Peder Nelson STELLA Spring 2024 webinar recording

Previous STELLA webinars:

STELLA Website:

GitHub Forum:

The STELLA Team:

Mike Taylor, Team Lead

Nyssa Rayne, Co-Lead, Terra Outreach Coordinator

Paul Mirel, Inventor of STELLA & Lead Engineer

Dr. Petya Campbell, Lead Scientist

Jesse Barber, Calibration/Validation Specialist

Ross Walter, Dataviewer Programmer

Other Supporting Staff:

Paige Williams, Scientist, Drone Specialist

(post updated July 5, 2024)

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