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The Landsat Onion Skin: Peeling Back Landsat's Layers of Data

The Landsat Onion Skin: Peeling Back Landsat's Layers of Data

[Source: NASA Science Visualization Studio] Landsat satellites circle the globe every 99 minutes, collecting data about the land surfaces passing underneath. After 16 days, the Landsat satellite has passed over every spot on the globe, and recorded data in 11 different wavelength regions. The individual wavelength bands can be combined into color images, with different combinations of the 11 bands revealing different information about the condition of the land cover.
This video, produced by Matt Radcliff and animated by Alex Kekesi, shows how various spectral bands of Landsat data can be put together, or composited, to create color images. In this video—that we fondly refer to as the “onion skin”—watch how different Landsat spectral bands can tell us distinctive information about our planet; here, we take a look at Florida’s Everglades:

Further Information:
+ Landsat 8 Onion Skin

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