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USGS Releases Report on Uses, Users, and Value of Landsat

USGS Releases Report on Uses, Users, and Value of Landsat

The USGS has released one of its Numbered Series Publications focusing on the uses, users, and value of Landsat data. The 42 page report by social scientists at the USGS Fort Collins Science Center—Holly M. Miller, Natalie R. Sexton, Lynne Koontz, John Loomis, Stephen R. Koontz, and Caroline Herman—studied uses and users of Landsat (and Landsat-like) data from 2008 through 2010.
As explained in their abstract: “The objectives for this study were to: 1) identify and classify U.S.-based users of this imagery; 2) better understand how and why MRI [moderate-resolution imagery], and specifically Landsat, is being used; and 3) qualitatively and quantitatively measure the value and societal benefits of MRI (focusing on Landsat specifically). The results of the survey revealed that respondents from multiple sectors use Landsat imagery in many different ways, as demonstrated by the breadth of project locations and scales, as well as application areas. The value of Landsat imagery to these users was demonstrated by the high importance placed on the imagery, the numerous benefits received from projects using Landsat imagery, the negative impacts if Landsat imagery was no longer available, and the substantial willingness to pay for replacement imagery in the event of a data gap. The survey collected information from users who are both part of and apart from the known user community. The diversity of the sample delivered results that provide a baseline of knowledge about the users, uses, and value of Landsat imagery. While the results supply a wealth of information on their own, they can also be built upon through further research to generate a more complete picture of the population of Landsat users as a whole.”
Further Information:
+ USGS Publication Citation
+ USGS Open-File Report 2011-1031 (Report PDF available here)

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