
News Archives

Landsat Global Archive Consolidation

Source: USGS Landsat Project • Landsat satellites have acquired data from across the globe for more than four decades. The National Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archive at the U.S. Geological

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News Archives

Landsat 5 Captures MSS Data

Source: USGS Landsat website Landsat 5 recently captured and downlinked Multispectral Scanner (MSS) images for the first time in over a decade. An MSS sensor first flew on Landsat 1 in

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Landsat Key Element in Flood Study

• Floods are considered the number one natural hazard, causing more deaths and damage year after year. The National Science Foundation (NSF) provided funding to a college in North Dakota

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USGS Offers Sample LDCM Data

Source: USGS Landsat Apr. 1, 2013 • By the end of May 2013, data from the Landsat 8 satellite will be available to all users. Each day, 400 scenes acquired by the Operational

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World Water Day

• Water is an essential resource for food cultivation. With 7 billion humans to feed, efficiently managing the planet’s water supply is essential. On March 22, 2012 the UN celebrates World

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News Archives

Landsat 5 Captures MSS Data

Source: USGS Landsat website Landsat 5 recently captured and downlinked Multispectral Scanner (MSS) images for the first time in over a decade. An MSS sensor first flew on Landsat 1 in

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Landsat Key Element in Flood Study

• Floods are considered the number one natural hazard, causing more deaths and damage year after year. The National Science Foundation (NSF) provided funding to a college in North Dakota

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USGS Offers Sample LDCM Data

Source: USGS Landsat Apr. 1, 2013 • By the end of May 2013, data from the Landsat 8 satellite will be available to all users. Each day, 400 scenes acquired by the Operational

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World Water Day

• Water is an essential resource for food cultivation. With 7 billion humans to feed, efficiently managing the planet’s water supply is essential. On March 22, 2012 the UN celebrates World

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