
News Archives

New USGS Landsat Image Policy

By February 2009, any Landsat archive scene selected by a user will be processed, at no charge, automatically to a standard product recipe and staged for electronic retrieval. In addition,

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Landsat 7 Turns Nine

On this day in 1999, Landsat 7 was launched into orbit. Landsat 7 operations continue today, despite the Scan Line Corrector (SLC-off) anomaly.

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Landsat Helps Map Soil Carbon Flux

Source: Sara Uttech, Soil Science Society of America, 608-268-4948, Changes in soil carbon occur with changes in land management. Scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and The University of

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News Archives

USGS Landsat Newsletter Published

The USGS Landsat Newsletter (vol. 1, issue 1, 2007) has been published on the USGS Landsat website. Its content includes: Landsat Science Team Meeting held January 9-11, 2007 Landsat in Everyday Places

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LTWG-16 Meeting Held in Brazil

Contributor: Terry Arvidson The 16th Landsat Technical Working Group (LTWG) meeting was held in Brazil May 14-18, 2007. The meeting was organized by USGS and hosted by the Instituto Nacional

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NASA Awards LDCM Accommodation Study

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s Rapid Spacecraft Development Office (RSDO) awarded delivery orders to four contractors for the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) Spacecraft Accommodation Study on April 30. “The

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"The Planet NASA Needs to Explore"

An editorial in today’s Washington Post warns that NASA’s budgetary shift away from Earth science priorities is perilous for our understanding of global warming and its impacts. The piece, authored

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Forest Trends in Madagascar

A recently released study provides evidence that social dictums influence the stability of tropical dry forests more than proximate population density. Often, it is assumed that a rising local population

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John Smith poster thumbnail

Landsat Image Presented to Queen Elizabeth II

In a historical event for NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Queen Elizabeth II of England visited the NASA campus on May 8, 2007. One of the many diplomatic gifts presented to the Queen was a poster commemorating John Smith’s voyage of discovery in 1607 using data from Landsat 7, MODIS, and EO-1.

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News Archives

USGS Landsat Newsletter Published

The USGS Landsat Newsletter (vol. 1, issue 1, 2007) has been published on the USGS Landsat website. Its content includes: Landsat Science Team Meeting held January 9-11, 2007 Landsat in Everyday Places

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LTWG-16 Meeting Held in Brazil

Contributor: Terry Arvidson The 16th Landsat Technical Working Group (LTWG) meeting was held in Brazil May 14-18, 2007. The meeting was organized by USGS and hosted by the Instituto Nacional

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NASA Awards LDCM Accommodation Study

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s Rapid Spacecraft Development Office (RSDO) awarded delivery orders to four contractors for the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) Spacecraft Accommodation Study on April 30. “The

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"The Planet NASA Needs to Explore"

An editorial in today’s Washington Post warns that NASA’s budgetary shift away from Earth science priorities is perilous for our understanding of global warming and its impacts. The piece, authored

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Forest Trends in Madagascar

A recently released study provides evidence that social dictums influence the stability of tropical dry forests more than proximate population density. Often, it is assumed that a rising local population

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John Smith poster thumbnail

Landsat Image Presented to Queen Elizabeth II

In a historical event for NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Queen Elizabeth II of England visited the NASA campus on May 8, 2007. One of the many diplomatic gifts presented to the Queen was a poster commemorating John Smith’s voyage of discovery in 1607 using data from Landsat 7, MODIS, and EO-1.

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