
News Archives

A LEGO Landsat

Did you know LEGO sells model kits that enable you to build replicas of the Landsat 5 and Landsat 7 satellites? Well, thanks to Tom Hill of the Landsat project,

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Semi-Annual Landsat Calibration Meeting Held

Contributor: Brian Markham On June 20-21, 2007 the joint NASA-USGS Landsat calibration working group met at South Dakota State University in Brookings, SD. Some key results/recommendations presented at the current meeting included:

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Landsat Science Team Meeting Held

The second LDCM-era Landsat Science Team meeting was held in Corvallis, Oregon. The three day meeting included updates on the Science Team’s research projects, information about the LDCM ground system, open

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News Archives

Lake Djoudj, Senegal

In August 2006, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), released an atlas entitled: “Africa’s Lakes: Atlas of Our Changing Environment.” The atlas relies heavily on Landsat imagery from the past

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A Look at Landsat-related Research

As reported in the May issue of the Landsat Project Update, USGS librarian Carol Deering has analyzed the occurrence of Landsat-related articles in over 300 professional journals to determine the disciplines that

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News Archives

Lake Djoudj, Senegal

In August 2006, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), released an atlas entitled: “Africa’s Lakes: Atlas of Our Changing Environment.” The atlas relies heavily on Landsat imagery from the past

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A Look at Landsat-related Research

As reported in the May issue of the Landsat Project Update, USGS librarian Carol Deering has analyzed the occurrence of Landsat-related articles in over 300 professional journals to determine the disciplines that

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