Have you ever hiked-up to the snowline in summer? Find out how Landsat is revealing how climate change is impacting some of our favorite places on Earth.

Have you ever hiked-up to the snowline in summer? Find out how Landsat is revealing how climate change is impacting some of our favorite places on Earth.
Landsat helps us study some of the most dangerous and remote places on Earth. Scientists can use Landsat data monitor penguin habitats, the melting of glaciers, and even changes in our planet’s climate.
Scientists can use Landsat to locate penguin habitats by looking at their poop from space?

Landsat 7

Landsat 7

Landsat 7
Try This!
Create your own Landsat time-lapse animated GIF like this one of the Yukatat Glacier from 1985 to 2020. Choose a location and watch Earth features change over time. Share your GIF with us on Twitter!
While Landsat images can show the extent of melting ice, the ICESat-2 satellite can measure changes in ice thickness from space. See for yourself what happens when sea ice and land ice melts. Watch a Showdown of Land Ice vs Sea Ice.
Try This!
Create your own Landsat time-lapse animated GIF like this one of the Yukatat Glacier from 1985 to 2020. Choose a location and watch Earth features change over time. Share your GIF with us on Twitter!
While Landsat images can show the extent of melting ice, the ICESat-2 satellite can measure changes in ice thickness from space. See for yourself what happens when sea ice and land ice melts. Watch a Showdown of Land Ice vs Sea Ice.
Get Crafty!
Create your own Landsat inspired craft and share with #LandsatCraft.
When multiple Landsat images are combined to show a larger area like a continent, we call that a Landsat mosaic. Here is a tile mosaic based on the Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA).
Credit: Kate Ramsayer/NASA
This watercolor was inspired by Landsat thermal image of an enormous slab of ice poised to break away from the Brunt Ice Shelf during the 2019 solstice.
Credit: Maria Peagler
Get Crafty!
Create your own Landsat inspired craft and share with #LandsatCraft.
When multiple Landsat images are combined to show a larger area like a continent, we call that a Landsat mosaic. Here is a tile mosaic based on the Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA).
Credit: Kate Ramsayer/NASA
This watercolor was inspired by Landsat thermal image of an enormous slab of ice poised to break away from the Brunt Ice Shelf during the 2019 solstice.

Credit: Maria Peagler
Postcard from Camp
Collect all nine postcards from Camp Landsat continuing with Week 7: Ice & Climate! Have you ever hiked-up to the snowline in summer? Find out how Landsat is revealing how climate change is impacting some of our favorite places on Earth. The front of this postcard features a natural-color image of Lake Balkhash, Kazakhstan, acquired March 7, 2020.
Glaciers slowly flow downhill into valleys, lakes, or the ocean. As they flow, they carve the landscape and displace rocks and sediment along the way. Make your own mountain glacier out of sand, cornstarch, and water and watch it flow. Learn more in Glaciers: Ice on the Move.