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Call for Nominations: 2014 William T. Pecora Award

Call for Nominations: 2014 William T. Pecora Award

William Pecora
Dr. William T. Pecora
[Source: USGS] The William T. Pecora Award is presented annually to individuals or groups that have made outstanding contributions toward understanding the Earth by means of remote sensing. Nominations are accepted for public and private sector individuals, teams, organizations, and professional societies. Both national and international nominations are welcome.
An individual award recognizes achievements in the scientific and technical remote sensing community, as well as contributions leading to successful practical applications of remote sensing. Consideration will be given to sustained career achievements or singular contributions of major importance to the field of remote sensing.
A group award recognizes a team, a group of individuals, or part of an organization that has made major breakthroughs in remote sensing science or technology or developed an innovative application that has a significant impact on the user community or national/international policies.
The Department of the Interior (DOI) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) jointly sponsor the award. The award was established in 1974 to honor the memory of Dr. William T. Pecora, former Director of the U.S. Geological Survey and Under Secretary, Department of the Interior. Dr. Pecora was a motivating force behind the establishment of a program for civil remote sensing of the Earth from space. His early vision and support helped establish what we know today as the Landsat satellite program.
The Award Committee must receive nominations for the 2014 award by May 1, 2014. Instructions for preparing a nomination and other information about the award can be found on the Pecora Award web site.
Further Information:
+ 2014 William T. Pecora Award, Call for Nominations [PDF]

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