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Category: People of Landsat

News Archive

Landsat Helps to Build a Geospatial Workforce

The federal government has invested billions of dollars to ensure our country’s leadership in space-based observations of our planet. We need a workforce that is fully prepared to understand and use this data for solving problems of local, national and global concern. Community colleges provide fertile ground for remote sensing workforce development at an effective technician level. They serve almost half the undergraduate students in the United States, and they are well positioned to increase workforce diversity. Nearly half of all Hispanic/Latino and Pacific Islander/Asian students, 36% of African American students, and 42% of Native American/ Native Alaskan students attend a two-year public institution (U.S. Department of Education 2009).

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The View from Over 2,000,000 Feet

The NASA Landsat 7 Project Scientist, Darrel Williams, was recently featured in the AgScience magazine of his alma mater. In an article titled “Oh! The Places We Go” reporter Maureen Harmon spoke to Penn State Ag Sciences graduates about the different directions of their careers.

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Landsat 8 Sweeps the 2013 “Goddards”

People. It takes a lot of people to build, launch, and operate a satellite, especially a satellite that regularly returns accurate scientific data. On February 11, 2013, Landsat 8 was successfully launched into orbit. Many of the people who worked hard to make Landsat 8 a success have recently been recognized as 2013 Robert H. Goddard Award recipients.

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Remembering Henry Wong

The venerable Landsat Program has relied on a cast of thousands to become the successful four decade-plus land observing satellite program that it is today. Sadly, one of those important cast members passed away last month.

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Meet Mauri Pelto, Glaciologist

At a small college in Dudley, Mass., a professor of Environmental Science is doing big things. Glaciologist Mauri Pelto is using Landsat imagery to monitor glaciers around the world from his office at Nichols College.

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Meet Jeanine Murphy-Morris

Aerospace engineer Jeanine Murphy-Morris has always been interested in flight, and that interest propelled her into a career building Earth-observing satellites. As a college student,

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Meet Shannon Franks

When people think of NASA, the first thing that comes to mind is probably an image of astronauts floating around the International Space Station, or

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Meet Robert Bindschadler

Dr. Robert Bindschadler has been an active Antarctic field researcher for the past 25 years and has led numerous field expeditions to Antarctica and has

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Meet Prasad S. Thenkabail

Prasad S. Thenkabail, an American National and member of the Landsat Science Team, has 23 years’ experience working as an international expert in Remote Sensing

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Meet Dennis Helder

South Dakota State University expertise is at work every time a computer user uses Google Earth software or various other tools to study satellite images.

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Meet Sam Goward

Dr. Samuel N. Goward is a professor of Geography at the University of Maryland College Park specializing in bioclimatology and remote sensing. He currently serves

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Meet Stan Freden

Dr. Stan Freden played a major role in the nascent Landsat program as the project scientist for Landsats 1, 2, and 3. As project scientist,

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Meet Terry Arvidson

Terry Arvidson is a Senior Project Engineer on the Landsat 7 project and she serves as the Lockheed Martin sustaining engineering lead for the satellite.

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