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Immediate TIRS Data Adjustment

Immediate TIRS Data Adjustment

USGS logo [Source: USGS Landsat] An incorrect bias adjustment for Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) data was discovered in the latest release of the Landsat 8 processing system, which has caused a significant error in the TIRS products produced from Landsat 8 scenes acquired from January 14, 2014 to January 23, 2014. (The Operational Land Imager (OLI) bands are not affected.) All Landsat 8 scenes processed between January 14 and January 23 will be purged from the online cache and will become available for on demand order processing. An estimated 3 percent absolute radiometric error is observed and the errors do cause significant striping and banding in bands 10 and 11.
More details are available on the Landsat 8 Calibration Notices webpage:

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