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Landsat Imagery: A Unique Resource

Landsat Imagery: A Unique Resource

Source: USGS
Because Landsat imagery covers the entire globe, goes back 35 years, and is now available at no charge, it is of particular value to the global community. However, until recently, no one knew specifically who used it and how. In the first study of its kind, FORT social scientists identified and queried a cross-section of professional users in private, academic, government, and nonprofit sectors. Sample participants were surveyed about their use of moderate-resolution imagery, including Landsat, and asked how they valued it.
The results from more than 2500 respondents provide a comprehensive assessment of users and uses of Landsat and other moderate-resolution imagery. A new FORTWeb science feature: “Landsat Imagery: A Unique Resource” summarizes the findings of this survey, describes how FORT investigators built the sample population and measured willingness to pay, and provides a further examination of the survey results by application (use) areas (agriculture, ecosystem research and monitoring, disaster response, urban planning, etc.), level of use of Landsat, and dependence on Landsat. Read the full report at The users, uses, and value of Landsat and other moderate-resolution satellite imagery in the United States—Executive report.
Further Information:
+ USGS science feature: “Landsat Imagery: A Unique Resource
USGS Study Reveals Who Uses Landsat and How
The users, uses, and value of Landsat and other moderate-resolution satellite imagery in the United States—Executive report

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