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LDCM Status Update for April 16, 2013

LDCM Status Update for April 16, 2013

Source: NASA

Apr. 16, 2013 • All spacecraft and instrument systems continue to perform normally. Two ascent burns were performed in the last week. On Sunday, April 7, ascent burn No. 3 was conducted. The 56.2-second burn was the longest LDCM burn yet, bringing the satellite within range of its operational orbit. Early Friday morning, April 12, ascent burn No. 4 was performed. This 50.5-second burn delivered LDCM to its operational orbit altitude of 705 kilometers (438 miles). Additionally, an inclination burn was successfully executed on Sunday, Apr. 14, and a trim maneuver was not needed.
“After many years in the making, LDCM has reached her final home,” said LDCM Project Manager Ken Schwer.
During this period, OLI and TIRS imaging have continued. The calibration team continues their trending work to refine the instruments’ pre-launch calibration.

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