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Remembering Carolyn Merry

Remembering Carolyn Merry

Carolyn Merry
Carolyn Merry. Photo credit: The Ohio State University
Carolyn Merry, a distinguished figure in the geospatial world who spent a year with the Landsat Project Science Office at Goddard Space Flight Center during the development of the Landsat 7 satellite in the 90’s, passed away yesterday.
The University Consortium for Geographical Information Systems (UCGIS), writes:

“With great sadness, we share the news that Carolyn Merry, professor emeritus and former chair of the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering at The Ohio State University, died Tuesday June 3, 2014, in a car accident. She was 63 years old.
“Dr. Merry retired in May 2013 after 25 years of distinguished service at Ohio State. She began her career with the College of Engineering in the fall of 1988 as an assistant professor teaching surveying and remote sensing. Climbing the ranks, she became department chair in 2004. During her tenure as chair, Dr. Merry spurred major improvements to department labs, offices, and meeting rooms with money, time, and equipment donated by service-minded civil engineering alumni and industry partners. Her relationship with students, faculty, alumni and donors was remarkable and sincere. In 2009, with gifts from Robert K. Redfeld, the Carolyn J. Merry Engineering Scholarship Fund was established to provide renewable scholarships to civil or environmental engineering undergraduates.
“Dr. Merry was a loyal and dedicated member of UCGIS, and actively engaged with its leadership. She served as a member of the Board of Directors as well as a member of the Policy & Legislation, Membership, and Nominating Committees. In 2003, she became President of UCGIS, the first woman to do so. Dr. Merry also served as the President of the American Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (ASPRS) in 2010, and was an active leader and researcher throughout her career. She will be remembered for her dedicated, loyal, and enthusiastic support of many geospatial organizations.
“We send our condolences to her family, friends, and colleagues.”

Further Information:
+ In Memoriam Carolyn J. Merry, PhD. (1950-2014)
+ Carolyn Merry, former UCGIS President

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