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Web-Enabled Landsat Data (aka WELD) Going Global

Web-Enabled Landsat Data (aka WELD) Going Global

WELD 2010 global collection
First WELD global data sets now available.
The Web-Enabled Landsat Data (WELD) project has released prototype global data sets for climate year 2010. The data sets are available as both monthly and annual 30m products generated from Landsat 5 and 7 data. The data sets are available at:
Each of the 13 directories shown on the collection page contain ~5000 to 8000 HDF files nested to MODIS land tile grids. A What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) internet interface to browse and order these data in GeoTiff format will be available later this summer.
This data release is the beginning of a global WELD project suite that will provide monthly and annual Landsat 30m information for any terrestrial non-Antarctic location for six 3-year epochs spaced every 5 years from 1985 to 2010. All data will be NEX reprocessed.
Further Information:
+ About the WELD Project

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