
News Archives
News Archives

Solving the Mystery of Antarctic Ice Loss

Recent research has given scientists new insights into Antarctica’s ice loss. By combining ground, airborne, and spaceborne—including Landsat—measurements glaciologist now have a better idea of what is driving the massive

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Solving Land Conservation Problems

Source: Cody Winchester, [external link] In a recent Sioux Falls ArgusLeader, reporter Cody Winchester explains Landsat’s role in the new Google Earth Engine. Excerpted from Winchester’s article: “Scientists, conservationists and developing countries

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Landsat at 2010 AGU Fall Meeting

At the annual fall AGU meeting in San Francisco, CA, Landsat was featured in 135 different scientific talks and posters featuring topics as diverse as the carbon cycle, natural disasters,

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Google Earth Engine and Landsat

Today at the UN climate convention in Cancun, Mexico, Google Labs announced the release of the Google Earth Engine, a project designed to use Earth observation data to enable global

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News Archives

Solving the Mystery of Antarctic Ice Loss

Recent research has given scientists new insights into Antarctica’s ice loss. By combining ground, airborne, and spaceborne—including Landsat—measurements glaciologist now have a better idea of what is driving the massive

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Solving Land Conservation Problems

Source: Cody Winchester, [external link] In a recent Sioux Falls ArgusLeader, reporter Cody Winchester explains Landsat’s role in the new Google Earth Engine. Excerpted from Winchester’s article: “Scientists, conservationists and developing countries

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Landsat at 2010 AGU Fall Meeting

At the annual fall AGU meeting in San Francisco, CA, Landsat was featured in 135 different scientific talks and posters featuring topics as diverse as the carbon cycle, natural disasters,

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Google Earth Engine and Landsat

Today at the UN climate convention in Cancun, Mexico, Google Labs announced the release of the Google Earth Engine, a project designed to use Earth observation data to enable global

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