The Earth Observer Shares Landsat Happenings
A summary of the final activities of the 2018–2023 Landsat Science Team and a synopsis of the 2022 History of NASA and the Environment Symposium were among the topics covered in the most recent issue of NASA’s The Earth Observer.

Bex Dunn: Landsat Data User + Wetland Explorer
Bex Dunn is an Earth Observation Scientist at Geoscience Australia where she uses Landsat data to better understand wetlands.

Meet Julia Barsi, Landsat Calibration Scientist
Julia Barsi calibrates instruments on Landsat satellites.

Robert Washington-Allen and the Next Frontier of Dryland Research
Washington-Allen is a longtime Landsat data user working towards drylands restoration and sustainability solutions.

Bidding Farewell to Virginia T. Norwood, the Mother of Landsat
Virginia T. Norwood, a founding figure in the field of satellite land imaging, died on Sunday, March 26, 2023, at age 96.

2022 AGS Awards Highlight Landsat’s Impact on the Field of Geography
Virginia Norwood was recognized by AGS for her development of the first Landsat sensor and Karen Seto was recognized for her urban growth research which often relies on the long Landsat data archive.