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USGS Fact Sheet: Landsat International Cooperators and Global Archive Consolidation

USGS Fact Sheet: Landsat International Cooperators and Global Archive Consolidation

Landsat ground stations
Landsat 7 and 8 ground stations as of January 2016. Image credit: USGS
[Source: USGS Publications] Landsat missions have always been an important component of U.S. foreign policy, as well as science and technology policy. The program’s longstanding network of International Cooperators (ICs), which operate numerous International Ground Stations (IGS) around the world, embodies the United States’ policy of peaceful use of outer space and the worldwide dissemination of civil space technology for public benefit. Thus, the ICs provide an essential dimension to the Landsat mission.
In 2010, the Landsat Global Archive Consolidation (LGAC) effort began, with a goal to consolidate the Landsat data archives of all international ground stations, make the data more accessible to the global Landsat community, and significantly increase the frequency of observations over a given area of interest to improve scientific uses such as change detection and analysis.
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