Using Landsat to Take the Long View on Greenland's Glaciers

Using Landsat to Take the Long View on Greenland's Glaciers

outlet glacier
Nioghalvfjerdsbræ glacier, Northeast Greenland Ice Stream. A new Landsat-based data portal enables scientists to study in unprecedented detail how fast outlet glaciers such as this one move and change over space and time. Photo and caption credit: Mirko Scheinert
Last month Mirko Scheinert, Ralf Rosenau, and Benjamin Ebermann from the Institut für Planetare Geodäsie, Technische Universität Dresden in Dresden, Germany wrote and AGU Eos article about a Landsat-based data portal their group developed to track outlet glaciers in Greenland.
The data portal uses over 37,000 Landsat image—going all the way back to 1972—to monitor glacier movement.
The authors write:
“The long time span covered by the Landsat scenes allows us to determine long-term flow velocity trends. The high temporal resolution lets us analyze seasonal flow velocity variations of numerous outlet glaciers…The monitoring system provides a powerful tool to examine the flow velocity pattern throughout time and space, and we have detected an acceleration pattern for a number of outlet glaciers.”
Read the full article:
+ Scheinert, M., R. Rosenau, and B. Ebermann (2016), Using landsat to take the long view on Greenland’s glaciers, Eos, 97, doi:10.1029/2016EO065625. Published on 29 December 2016.
Visit the data portal:
+ Velocity fields of Greenland outlet glaciers
Rosenau, R.; Scheinert, M.; Dietrich, R. (2015): A processing system to monitor Greenland outlet glacier velocity variations at decadal and seasonal time scales utilizing the Landsat imagery. Remote Sens. Environ., 169, 1-19, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2015.07.012

Post Last Updated on January 9, 2017
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