
News Archives

Science, Nature, and Landsat in 2015

Last year, Landsat data were used in some aspect to inform more than a dozen research papers published in Science, Nature and Nature’s discipline-specific journals. The paper topics included animal migration patterns, glacier trends, post-earthquake landslide inventories, inland water studies, agriculture policy decisions and forest cover estimates.

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Landsat Sees a Blizzard, January 24, 2016

On January 24, 2016 Landsat 8 acquired a clear view—from South Carolina to Pennsylvania—the day after a blizzard covered much of the eastern United States in snow. Watch as more than 620 miles (1,000 km) of landscape are shown in detail.

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Landsat 8 Thermal Data Update

Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) data continue to be collected with the scene select mirror encoder electronics disabled (mode 0). While in this mode, the TIRS line of sight model (LOS) will be regularly updated and modifications are being made to automate revisions to the LOS in the Level-1 Product Generation System (LPGS).

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The Philippines’ famed Banaue Rice Terraces, pictured here

Future Grains

When global food prices spiked dramatically in late 2007 and into 2008, the costs of many basic dietary staples doubled or even tripled around the world, sparking protests and riots. Panicked governments stopped exporting food, aggravating the crisis.

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News Archives

Case Studies in Carbon and Climate

Every part of the mosaic of Earth’s surface — ocean and land, Arctic and tropics, forest and grassland — absorbs and releases carbon in a different way. Wild-card events such as massive wildfires and drought complicate the global picture even more. To better predict future climate, we need to understand how Earth’s ecosystems will change as the climate warms and how extreme events will shape and interact with the future environment.

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DOI & Mexico Sign Agreement to Share Landsat Data

U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell, leading the U.S. delegation to the 2015 Ministerial Summit of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), today signed an agreement with Mexico serving as a regional milestone for international cooperation in using land-surface satellite images for the benefit of effective land use planning and sustainability.

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Free Data Proves Its Worth for Observing Earth

Since late 2008, when Landsat earth observation images were made available to all users free of charge, nearly 30 million Landsat scenes have been downloaded through the U.S. Geological Survey portal – and the rate of downloads is still increasing.

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News Archives

Case Studies in Carbon and Climate

Every part of the mosaic of Earth’s surface — ocean and land, Arctic and tropics, forest and grassland — absorbs and releases carbon in a different way. Wild-card events such as massive wildfires and drought complicate the global picture even more. To better predict future climate, we need to understand how Earth’s ecosystems will change as the climate warms and how extreme events will shape and interact with the future environment.

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DOI & Mexico Sign Agreement to Share Landsat Data

U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell, leading the U.S. delegation to the 2015 Ministerial Summit of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), today signed an agreement with Mexico serving as a regional milestone for international cooperation in using land-surface satellite images for the benefit of effective land use planning and sustainability.

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Free Data Proves Its Worth for Observing Earth

Since late 2008, when Landsat earth observation images were made available to all users free of charge, nearly 30 million Landsat scenes have been downloaded through the U.S. Geological Survey portal – and the rate of downloads is still increasing.

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