Landsat Applications

Landsat Applications


Agriculture, Forestry and Range Resources Land Use and Mapping Geology Hydrology Coastal Resources Environmental Monitoring
vegetative, crop and timber types
Classifying land

Mapping major geologic features
Determining water
boundaries and surface water areas

Determining patterns and extent of turbidity

Monitoring deforestation
Measuring crop and timber acreage Cartographic mapping and map updating Revising geologic maps Mapping floods and flood plain characteristics Mapping shoreline changes Monitoring volcanic flow activity
Precision farming land management Categorizing land capabilities Recognizing and classifying certain rock types Determining area extent of snow and ice coverage Mapping shoals, reefs and shallow areas Mapping and monitoring water pollution
Monitoring crop and forest harvests Monitoring urban growth Delineating unconsolidated rocks and soils Measuring changes and extent of glacial features Mapping and monitoring sea ice in shipping lanes Determining effects of natural disasters
Determining range readiness, biomass and health Aiding regional planning Mapping volcanic surface deposits Measuring turbidity and sediment patterns Tracking beach erosion and flooding Assessing drought impact
Determining soil conditions and associations Mapping transportation networks Mapping geologic landforms Delineating irrigated fields Monitoring coral reef health Tracking oil spills
Monitoring desert blooms Mapping land-water boundaries Identifying indicators of mineral and petroleum resources Monitoring lake inventories and health Determining coastal circulation patterns Assessing and monitoring grass and forest fires
Assessing wildlife habitat Citing transportation and power transmission routes Determining regional geologic structures Estimating snow melt runoff Measuring sea surface temperature Mapping and monitoring lake eutrophication
Characterizing forest range vegetation Planning solid waste disposal sites, power plants and other industries Producing geomorphic maps Characterizing tropical rainfall Monitoring and tracking ‘red’ tides Monitoring mine waste pollution
Monitoring and mapping insect infestations Mapping and managing flood plains Mapping impact craters Mapping watersheds Coral reef health assessment Monitoring volcanic ash plumes
Monitoring irrigation practices Tracking socioeconomic impacts on land use Chevron discovery Mapping closed-basin ponds Global coral reef mapping Assessing carbon stocks
Bison management Online mapping Mega-lake discovery Monitoring wetlands Chesapeake Bay restoration Cancer research
production estimates
Cartographic discoveries Soil carbon flux Water management Monitoring coastal erosion Atmospheric
Quantifying burn
Wetland restoration Coastal Studies Mapping
Rift Valley Fever risk areas
crop insurance fraud
Monitoring dam construction Chesapeake Bay management Assessing
clear-cutting impacts
Forest trends in Madagascar Urban sprawl and climate change Groundwater discharge Assessing impacts of industrial logging
Forest protection in Peru Caribbean Island mapping Bushfire impact on water yields Mapping
urban heat islands
Better Estimate of
Boreal Forest Loss
Tropical forest clearing for development Landsat, Potholes, and Climate Change
Crop water stress Exploring ancient Mexico Disaster aftermath
water demand
Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica African environmental change
production monitoring
Kansas Map Cyclone Nargis’ impact on Burma
of Papua New Guinea forests
Fire prevention in Spain
conservation tillage
Surveying mangroves
American forest disturbance
Greek fires
Algea monitoring
damage caused by Hurricane Katrina
Glacier monitoring
Insect Outbreaks

Return to Landsat Program Applications page.

Post Last Updated on January 23, 2013
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