
News Archives

As Population Grows, So Do Urban Areas

Source: USGS News Release Contact: Jonathan H. Smith, 703 648-4516 USGS Release : December 27, 2006 A new USGS publication – Rate, Trends, Causes, and Consequences of Urban Land-Use Change in the United

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News Archives

Geospatial Education Workshop Report Released

The Landsat Education & Public Outreach staff co-wrote the recently published report, “Integrating Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing for Technical Workforce Development at Two-Year Colleges.” The report, partially funded

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An LDCM Free-flyer Announced

The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) issued a memorandum signed by Dr. John Marburger, III adjusting the Landsat Data Continuity Mission strategy.  NASA was instructed to acquire a

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Monitoring lake inventories and health

Contributor: John Schott, Rochester Institute of Technology As snow begins to melt at the close of winter, large lakes receive warm spring river run-off carrying pollutants that are potentially harmful

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Monitoring volcanic flow activity

Location: Mt. St. Helens, Washington These satellite images show the area around Mount St. Helens, in southwestern Washington, before and after its eruption of May 18, 1980. The initial volcanic

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Monitoring urban growth

Contributor: Jeffrey G. Masek, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Traffic jams and air pollution in large metropolitan areas are sure signs of expanding populations. Across the globe, 50 percent of

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Monitoring crop and forest harvests

Contributor: David Skole Michigan State University Even though tropical deforestation is a well-known problem, the rate of deforestation in the tropics is currently known to only a very general degree.

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News Archives

Geospatial Education Workshop Report Released

The Landsat Education & Public Outreach staff co-wrote the recently published report, “Integrating Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing for Technical Workforce Development at Two-Year Colleges.” The report, partially funded

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An LDCM Free-flyer Announced

The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) issued a memorandum signed by Dr. John Marburger, III adjusting the Landsat Data Continuity Mission strategy.  NASA was instructed to acquire a

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Monitoring lake inventories and health

Contributor: John Schott, Rochester Institute of Technology As snow begins to melt at the close of winter, large lakes receive warm spring river run-off carrying pollutants that are potentially harmful

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Monitoring volcanic flow activity

Location: Mt. St. Helens, Washington These satellite images show the area around Mount St. Helens, in southwestern Washington, before and after its eruption of May 18, 1980. The initial volcanic

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Monitoring urban growth

Contributor: Jeffrey G. Masek, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Traffic jams and air pollution in large metropolitan areas are sure signs of expanding populations. Across the globe, 50 percent of

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Monitoring crop and forest harvests

Contributor: David Skole Michigan State University Even though tropical deforestation is a well-known problem, the rate of deforestation in the tropics is currently known to only a very general degree.

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