November 25, 2020 • Last month, Africa Flores, the land cover land use change thematic lead and regional science coordination lead for SERVIR Amazonia, was interviewed by Science Friday for its “Breakthrough Women in Science” series.
As Flores shared with NASA science writer Lia N. Poteet, she hopes her Science Fridayinterview helps convey “how relevant Earth observations are for natural resources,” and “what a career path can look like for girls interested in science.”
Flores often utilizes NASA/USGS Landsat data in her work. One of our favorite quotes from Flores’ Massive Science and Science Fridayinterview was: “[Landsat] became freely available in 2008 and I think that that completely changed how we are able to use this type of data for decision making.”
For more on these stories, see:
+ Breakthrough: The Lake Sentinel, Science Friday
+ Witnessing Environmental Change From Space, Science Friday
+ Africa Flores: A “Breakthrough Scientist”, NASA Earth Science Applied Sciences