Landsat’s Role in Managing Wildland Fires
Worldwide, fire plays a critical role in maintaining healthy forests, but fire can also be damaging. Homes are destroyed and the effects on air quality can be felt for miles. Forest fires are occurring more often and with greater intensity than in years past, and Landsat plays a critical role in understanding the impact. Landsat data enables land managers and scientists to assess the severity and extent of large fires as they plan recovery efforts; to improve safety and prevent damage to life, property and natural resources; to estimate how much pollution burning releases into the air; and to monitor the post-fire recovery of burned areas. Landsat satellites have been collecting information about forest fires since the 1970s. Landsat plays an important role in assessing the impact of fires on forest ecosystems and human society. Landsat satellites document the location and extent of burned areas, how severely fires burn, and the subsequent regrowth of the land after a forest fire. All this information helps land managers better manage our forests and other natural resources in the context of fire.

Smokey the Beaver? Beaver Dams and Wildfire
Landsat helped confirm and quantify what was only anecdotally known before: beaver dams make wetlands uniquely resistant to wildfires.

Landsat Can Save Federal Agencies up to $7.7 Million Annually in Post-Fire Costs
Using satellite imagery is a cost-effective way to assess burned areas and triage mitigation measures post-wildfire, study found. Federal agencies can save as much as $7.7 million annually in post-fire costs by using Landsat.

The Synoptic View of California’s Camp Fire: A Scorching Reality of Today’s Fires
Sprawling urban fires that once plagued civilization were thought to be a thing the past—the Camp Fire let us know they are back.

Looking at Burn Severity and Post-Fire Forest Regeneration in Chile’s Andean Cordillera, Home to the Monkey Puzzle Tree
The first study that connects field-measured data with satellite-derived burn severity in this corner of the world.

Fires, Floods and Satellite Views: Modeling the Boreal Forest’s Future
The 2014 megafires in Canada’s Northwest Territories burned 7 million acres of forest, making it one of the most severe fire events in Canadian history.
A New Fire Risk Indicator
A new indicator of fire risk for peat moss environments that relys on Landsat 8’s new blue band.