
News Archives

USGS Announces TerraLook

Source: USGS News Release Contact: Gene Fosnight, 605-594-605 The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Center for Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS), in cooperation with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),

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GLOBE Star for Landsat Outreach Effort

The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) effort is an international science education program for primary and secondary schools that focuses on hand-on learning. In late September

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Landsat 5 at 120K+ Orbits

On September 23, 2006 Landsat 5 made its 120,000th orbit around Earth (equating to nearly 3.1 billion miles traveled). Tampa, Florida was one of the locations found on the path of the

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Landsat at 2006 AGU Fall Meeting

At the annual fall AGU meeting in San Francisco, Landsat was featured in 80 different scientific talks and posters. The wide scope of these presentations indicates the large array of

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LDCM Industry Day Held

NASA/GSFC hosted an informational meeting for prospective offerors on December 11, 2006 at The Inn and Conference Center at the University of Maryland University College. Due to the fact that

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News Archives

Precision farming land management

Contributor: Susan Moran, U.S. Department of Agriculture For farmers and land managers, increasing crop yields and cutting costs while reducing environmental pollution is a constant challenge. To accomplish this goal,

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Monitoring irrigation practices

Location: Imperial Valley, California Source: USGS Earthshots The Imperial Valley is actually an extension of the Gulf of California, cut off from the Gulf by the Colorado River’s delta fan.

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Monitoring deforestation

Location: Rondônia, Brazil Source: USGS Earthshots These images show a portion of the state of Rondônia, Brazil, in which tropical deforestation has occurred. The 1975 and 1986 images are MSS

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Mapping major geologic features

Location: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania This Landsat view shows Harrisburg and the Appalachian Mountains of central Pennsylvania. The Piedmont province is visible in the lower right corner. The Great Valley runs SW-NE across

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News Archives

Precision farming land management

Contributor: Susan Moran, U.S. Department of Agriculture For farmers and land managers, increasing crop yields and cutting costs while reducing environmental pollution is a constant challenge. To accomplish this goal,

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Monitoring irrigation practices

Location: Imperial Valley, California Source: USGS Earthshots The Imperial Valley is actually an extension of the Gulf of California, cut off from the Gulf by the Colorado River’s delta fan.

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Monitoring deforestation

Location: Rondônia, Brazil Source: USGS Earthshots These images show a portion of the state of Rondônia, Brazil, in which tropical deforestation has occurred. The 1975 and 1986 images are MSS

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Mapping major geologic features

Location: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania This Landsat view shows Harrisburg and the Appalachian Mountains of central Pennsylvania. The Piedmont province is visible in the lower right corner. The Great Valley runs SW-NE across

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