Category: Ecosystems and Biodiversity

News Archive
Landsat image of a Klamath reservoir after dam removal. A skinny dark band shows a river surrounded by silty formerly-submerged lands.

Undamming the Klamath

Between October 2023 and October 2024, the four dams of the Klamath Hydroelectric Project were taken down, opening more than 400 miles of salmon habitat.

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A photograph of WSWC Executive DIrector Tony Willardson superimposed on top of a photos of an irrigated vineyard and OpenET data for Santa Rosa, California.

Tony Willardson, Water Watcher

With Landsat-based ET embedded in more and more water rights and conservation tools, Willardson and the Western States Water Council are eager to see Landsat Next with its higher spatial resolution, more frequent observations, and additional spectral bands, built and launched.

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Expanding OpenET Across Amazon Basin

The research teams who help sustain the largest freshwater reserve in the world are developing a new tool to promote more resilient farming systems in Brazil. The goal is to help farmers better handle changes in the water cycle, deal with droughts, and adapt to a changing climate.

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Landsat 2023 in Review: An image of the Landsat 9 satellite and a satellite image with the year "2023" written below it.

Landsat 2023 – A Year in Review

A delve into Landsat-based studies revealing the environmental impact of river mining, the decline in global lake water levels, and the risks of rising sea levels on coastal habitats. Plus, a sneak peek at what the future of the Landsat program holds with the introduction of Landsat Next.

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Earth in space with the words: Extra Dimensional: The Fusion of Landsat & GEDI superimposed on top.

ExtraDimensional—The Fusion of Landsat & GEDI

When Landsat’s vast decades-long archive is combined with data from other instruments it can provide amazing insight into how our world is evolving with us and around us. Here are some of the ways Landsat and GEDI data are being harnessed to help us better understand the complex relationship between humanity and nature.

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