Abstract ID and Title: 1432877: STELLA: An Open-Source DIY Handheld Spectrometer
Final Paper Number: ED31B-0907
Presentation Type: Poster
Session Number and Title: ED31B: Amazing Technologies and Capabilities That Contribute to STEAM I Poster
Session Date and Time: Wednesday, December 13th; 8:30 AM – 12:50 PM PST
Location: MC, Poster Hall A-C – South
![STELLA, ASD and Landsat spectral readings graph](https://landsat.gsfc.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/STELLA_ASD_Landsat_Grass_avg-1024x442.png)
STELLA derived average of grass compared to ASD and Landsat data collected from USGS’s Spectral Library – https://crustal.usgs.gov/speclab/QueryAll07a.php – Lawn_Grass GDS91 green BECKa AREF
![STELLA average of averages of grass at 30 centimeters](https://landsat.gsfc.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/AvgGrass-1024x452.png)
STELLA derived average of grass from averages below.
![STELLA averages across 3 days of grass at 30 centimeters](https://landsat.gsfc.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/STELLA_Grass_avg-1024x444.png)
Averages from 3 days using 11 different STELLAs across full sun days between 12 and 2pm, 19 readings with 20 measurements per reading
STELLA derived average of grass. STELLAs used UID 316, 5279, 5309, 7451, 9967, 2479, 4139, 5548, 8319, 8637, 8879- ASD and Landsat data collected from USGS’s Spectral Library – https://crustal.usgs.gov/speclab/QueryAll07a.php – Lawn_Grass GDS91 green BECKa AREF
Poster References:
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