Landsat at #AGU18

Landsat at #AGU18

AGU 100 logo At the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, nearly 500 presentations will feature research conducted with the aid of Landsat data. The gamut of focus areas where you can find Landsat-related papers and posters attests to the wide scope and interdisciplinary nature of Landsat data. From oyster reef restoration planning to iceberg tracking, talks and posters on Landsat-aided research will be presented throughout the week.

This year we again had the opportunity to speak with a number of scientists, researchers, and students using Landsat in their studies. The resulting Q&A’s will be posted here throughout the week.
For other NASA-related AGU happenings, visit NASA at American Geophysical Union.

This year’s Landsat Q&As:

growing city sizes

As Cities Grow, So Does the Urban Growing Season

US ET 2017

Mapping Water Use Nationwide With Landsat

How channel morphology information is abstracted from imagery

How Landsat Helps Alert Communities to Local Flood Hazards

agriculture image

Landsat Thermal Data Provides Insight to Vintners

cloud forest

Getting to Know the Dhofar Cloud Forest

Landsat poetry

A Geospatial Poem for the Ages

first year of irrigation

The Shifting Irrigation Patterns of the U.S. High Plains Aquifer

Adelie penguin colonies

Determining Penguin Diet with Landsat (and Piles of Poo)

secchi disk

Retrieving Secchi Depth with Landsat 8

How ET is affected by forest fire.

Understanding How Fire Alters the Water Use of Sierra Nevada Forests

Brahmaputra River at sunset

Watching River Islands Grow on the Brahmaputra

a PA state forest

Monitoring Forest Health Amid Oil and Gas Extraction

Salt marsh on Assateague Island

Mapping Long-term Salt Marsh Change with Landsat

tile drainage installation

Improving Water Resource Management in the Great Plains

A-68 calving event

The Dynamic Nature of a Large Iceberg Calving Event

Mojave National Preserve

Shrub and Grass Vegetation Declining Across Great Basin

almond orchard

Towards Agricultural Sustainability of Fruit and Nut Trees in California’s Central Valley

oyster reef

Investigating the Ecosystem Services Provided by Oysters


Mapping Circulation Patterns of Icy Fjords

Visit the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting website for more details, including the scientific program and virtual options.

Further Information:
+ NASA at AGU 2018
+ USGS Landsat Update – AGU Edition
+ Landsat at AGU 2017
+ Landsat at AGU 2016
+ Landsat at AGU 2015

Anyone can freely download Landsat data from the USGS EarthExplorer or LandsatLook.

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